Wednesday, February 13, 2008

First day on the job.

It was a blast today. We started out going through the work policy manual, which explains my rights and benefits as an employee. One of the things that's extremely important in this country is sexual harassment. This does not only mean fiddling around or flirting or getting harassed by another employee, but can also mean making comments about one's body, like weight, or sexual orientation or racial origin. So, basically the law against S.harassment is in a way a law against discrimination. In the US, employers and employees get sued all the time for the littlest of things. So what I've noticed is that on the one hand the positive thing about this law is that there are few negative remarks about the team members, but on the other hand every one is so cautious of physical contact that even a supportive pat on the back can seem like you're harassing someone. So every time someone accidentally touches my arm, they jump and start excusing themselves expressively. I'm going to have to adjust to that !

The work environment is awesome. I get to work in one of the most vibrant places in LA, the people are passionate about what they do, I have a great manager who is only one year older than me and it looks like we're surfin' the same wave length when it comes to managing people. I've already spilled out some ideas I have for the team and she welcomed them with great enthusiasm.

As for now, I'm not really planning on changing too much.. my plan is to just observe how everything works, get to understand how everything fits (or doesn't fit), and start from there. Hey, I'm here to have fun and this a great place to do just that.

Today I didn't fly though. I could if I wanted to but there was too much going on. Plus, a little bit of a downer for the team spirit is the fact that their previous assistant manager just got fired yesterday. Their manager who they've gotten friends with over the past months. But he has been abusing his flight time and did not manage things all too well. And here I am, 'replacing' their good old friend. Overall, everybody has welcomed me into the team. But of course there is always this one person that projects his frustration into the newbie. I'm so not interested in dealing with him, though. I'm here to do the best that I can and enjoy my time with those that are positive and willing to work as a team !

We did get a celebrity visit today. I forgot his name, but it was one of the last American Idol drop-outs from last season. We also have pictures up from Robert Downey Junior, famous for various films and tv-shows (like natural born killers, Ally McBeal,..) who visited us not so long ago. Check out his flying pics here.

If you know the comedy series '3rd rock from the sun' with John Lithgow, and remember the police guy that dates the tall girl in the show, he also flew with us. (see pics online).

And I've heard celebrities are starting to get to know about 'the next thrill in town' so we will get to see more coming. Cool ha !

Oh, by the way, my pic's up there too, at the staff page. My name is misspelled but that because our webmaster Manu is French. So I will need to have him adjust that today. :-). Check it out !

This week I'm working from 3pm to 11pm which is fine because this way I can avoid rush hour on the 405.

Thanks for the support y'all ! ;-)


bob said...

Hey boy!
Shamira of your team looks a bit like Whoopi Goldberg!
Perhaps she knows already?
Congrats for your new career as a bodysinttheskyflyingthing ass.manager.

Ken De Vos said...

Allez, je eerste werkdag zit er op!
Aan de foto's te zien ziet het er wel een toffe bende uit!
Ben blij da'k m'n vingers nu eindelijk terug normaal kan houden (hehe...)

Nen dikke proficiat!

Anonymous said...

Hahaa ik was al aan het wachten op een verslagje! Wat zul je allemaal moeten doen? Succes!


Anonymous said...

Super! Super! Super!

eerlijk gezegd, ge misstaat helemaal niet in die ploeg. Noemt nu Radio! Ook geen gewone naam hé!

Lijkt me toch wel echt iets voor U zeker omdat het toch allemaal jonge medewerkers zijn. Kan alleen maar plezant zijn!

Groetjes en héél véél fun!
mama van Anne

Ellen said...

Lijkt me een toffe bende om mee te werken! Ik had u op't eerste zicht al niet gezien, zo goed past ge in't plaatje seh!!:-)))
Is de meest recente foto die ik nu van jou zie (we krijgen veel foto's van de landschappen en activiteiten maar niet van jezelf lol), en het valt me op dat je tanden ineens veel rechter staan! (rare opmerking misschien, maar het lijkt me wel leuk als anderen dat eindelijk zien, nie? :-) )
Is het wekelijks wisselende shiften waar je in werkt? Wel handig naar verkeer toe inderdaad...
Enjoy enjoy enjoy! xxx

Anonymous said...


jeuj! ' t ijs is gebroken! t'is toch spannend he, zo nen eersten dag! kweet da nog goe!
Wat is je werk dan concreet eigenlijk? Wat moet je precies allemaal doen?


Mama Tartine said...

Zoveel reacties al en verdoken felicitaties en onverholen aanmoediging. Ik sluit me erbij aan!
Tot gauw, nog maar 8 weekjes!!!!!